We have plenty of parking for you and your friends!
We believe in family.
We value your family being together. Our service provides the opportunity for you and your children to worship together.
We will supply a kids corner with gluten free snacks, water and some drawing materials for the young one's who need something to do while listening.
Even though we are all connected through social media and modern technology, we can still feel disconnected. We want to be part of something bigger than ourselves. It may be a movement, a cause, or a family. Whatever it is, we long to be linked with people.
But you are also aware that there is something inside of you that just isn’t fulfilled. You lack purpose for life. And you wonder, is there more to your life than just existence. The answer simply, my friend is “Yes!”
The reason you feel these ways is because of the root issue of sin. The Scripture tells us that sin is missing the mark of moral purity. It was introduced originally by disobeying God’s commands. All mankind has sinned. There is no getting around it. And the penalty of sin is death, first physically and secondly spiritually. And through one sin, death entered the world.
But God is holy, morally perfection and unable to sin. God is also just, knowing that the right thing to do with sin, is not to embrace it, justify it or compromise with it, but to judge it. Scripture tells us that God throughout the Old Testament has shown the harsh reality of what sin does but also what God will do to judge sin and also forgive the sinner.
It’s a two for one deal on God’s terms!
God sent forth His own son Jesus Christ to take upon Himself the sin of the whole world. Then God judged his Son for our sins by the cross. And then God cleared the debt we owed because of the shed blood of His only begotten Son. And finally, God forgave you and me for our sins and brought us into a family through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. And that’s the LIVING HOPE that you can receive by trusting in the work of Christ Jesus on the cross for your sins.
So… it’s now up to you to either receive the pardon and be regenerated as a child of God or reject this merciful act of justice and be condemned. It’s in your hands.
What do you choose today?
Jesus also made the church. These are those who have trusted in the gift of salvation through his death, burial and resurrection. And through faith in His work on the cross, He called out to His own, a people who are His.
As a church, we want to be connected to the past. That is why you will see our Sunday morning format look a lot like the early years. We may sing a hymn or older song. We may have a scriptural reading and a time of prayer requests.
We will read from the uncopyrighted version of the Bible, the King James Version. Don't worry. We'll explain the "Thee's" and "Thou's".
We also preach and teach book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse. Our services throughout the week will teach "what we believe, why we believe it and what do we do with what we believe."
As a church, we also want to be connected to the present. That is why you will see us use Ipads, sip on a latte, use a computer for synth sounds, possibly a guitar and use QR codes for staying connected. The message will be practical, prayerful, and pointed so that we all grow in our love for Jesus and our disdain for our own sins.