Jesus is Everything.
The Bible is God's Word to all. It consists of 66 books of the Old and New Testament. It was written by holy men who were led by the Holy Spirit by supernatural guidance. It is without error and reveals who we are and who God is. (2 Tim 3:15-17, Isaiah 8:20, Luke 16:29,31, Ephesians 2:20; Romans 1:19-21; 2:14-15, Psalm 19: 1-3; Hebrews 1:1, Proverbs 22:19-21; Romans 15:4, 2 Peter 1:19-20; Hebrews 10:15-16; Matt 4:4; Isaiah 40:8; 59:21;51:16; Psalm 33:6,11)
The doctrine of the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures is of little value apart from the doctrine of the preservation of the Scriptures. The preserved Word of God has been copied throughout the centuries and is fully contained in English for us in the Authorized King James Version of the Scriptures.
We believe there is one God, eternally existing in three persons as revealed to us in the New Testament and concealed in the Old Testament as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; equal in power, knowledge and all divine attributes. The Father is God, the Son Jesus Christ is God, and the Holy Spirit. The Father is not the Son nor the Spirit. The Son is neither the Father nor the Spirit, and the Spirit is neither the Father nor the Son. We are not modalists nor dualist.
The whole Bible can be summed up into one person, Jesus Christ. He is the second person of the triune God, co equal as the Creator, Sustainer, and Lord. He is God’s only begotten Son who was born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and who became flesh and submitted and yielded Himself under God the Father and led by the Holy Spirit. He was perfect in all ways. He performed miracles to prove His deity and to show His loving compassion to a broken and sinful world. He was tried, condemned, scourged, crucified, died and was buried and on the third day he rose from the grave victorious. We believe He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father until the appointed time that he will return for his church and judge the world and bring all things unto righteousness.
We Believe that all People were made in the image of God. Both men and women were originally made perfect until they chose to disobey God’s one command. By that choice, mankind was born as sinners, being spiritually dead. But the plan of God before He created the world was that Jesus Christ would pay the penalty of their sins, covering it all with His eternal shed blood on the cross.
By faith, we are called to repentance from sin and a belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. When we call upon the name of the Lord, the Holy Spirit regenerates us from spiritual death and gives us the promised hope of eternal life. At the cross, we are justified before God as if we have never sinned and are given the power of the Holy Spirit to live a life that only God could fulfill. All born again believers have a choice and the power to resist sin.
We believe that the church is the body of Jesus Christ on the earth, both Jews and Gentiles who have put their trust in the Messiah. The church is governed by Jesus Christ as the head. He calls under shepherds which are called pastors to lead His people, teach His people and protect His people. The church is the set apart believers who are saved by faith through grace. The church has always been here from the first apostles until now. We believe in the local expressions of the same faith passed down throughout the centuries and not in the Universal church.
Baptism: We believe in baptism as a command by Jesus Christ. Those who are baptized are of the age of accountability or who fully understand that they are saved by the work of the cross.
Communion: We believe in an open communion of only born again believers who have been baptized and have answered the call to follow Jesus no matter the cost. Communion is a symbol of the grace of the Lord’s Supper, the Seder, and is to be taken with reverence and sober thinking so as not dishonor the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We believe that the work of the Holy Spirit is still to convict the world of sin, convict us of our righteousness and convict Satan of his end. We believe in the laying on of hands for the callings of pastors, elder, deacon and for the laying on of hands for those who are sick. The spiritual gifts should be done in decent respect and everything is to be done in order.
We Believe in the personal, visible Return of Christ to earth for His church and to establish His Kingdom. We believe in the resurrection of the body, for the saved to eternal life, to the unsaved to the final judgment of hell.